#381 - #388 : Honetana (in list as Honeta)
#403 - #405 : Ruta
Potahi Ruta, Te Ata Ruta and Tipo Ruta were also known as Potahi Pauira, Te Ata Pauira and Tipo Pauira. They were probably connected through their Father as their mother was a Taranaki woman, Rangiua Kuae (no.34) on a Ngati Mutunga Petition presented by Heni Te Rau, on Piripi Te Aho's list. These three siblings succeeded to their mother's interests in Taranaki.Details of Succession,p.36
Piripi Te Aho's List for Ngati Mutunga
#407 - #412,#414,#416 - #420 : Hone, Materoa, Rangitutaki
Te Ika Maupoho
According to an Online Family Tree, Te Ika Maupoho (1848 - 1913) was the son of Potatau Te Wherowhero and Kauaeroa. A source is available to confirm the King's marriage to Kauaeroa in Part of: Jones, Pei Te Hurinui, 1898-1976: Papers / Series 1 Correspondence and Te Ika's age is within the range of Potatau's life span. He would have been around 12 years old when Potatau passed away in July 1860. According to the same online tree (as above) Te Ika's wife was Atairehia and one child is recorded, ie Te Pahi Te Ika.
- NZ Death Register, 1913/10598; Te Ika Maupoho, 65Years; est. birth from age at death - 1848.
- NZ Death Register; 1934/840; Pahi Miraka Te Ika; 65Years; est. birth from age at death - 1869.