Friday, 16 November 2018

Ngati Makirangi Hapu List 1900 - Wanihi

I learnt that tupuna Wanihi Putere was Ngati Makirangi when I found his name on a Crown record of Waikato Maori whose land had been confiscated.  Produced in the year 1900, the record consisted of about 20 hapu lists including one titled 'Ngati Makirangi and Ngati Kahu list'.   Wanihi along with his Mother, brothers, one sister, his wife, his children and nieces, nephews were all on the list.  His eldest brother, Tohi Ariki Putere was the first named person, this position is often where you might find the name of the Chief, leader, collator of the list or a spokesperson of some sort.

In addition, I noted that the lists used the same naming standard as the Native (Maori) Land Court during the later 1800s, ie: A child's surname was their parent's first name.  This meant that I could organise the names on the large hapu list into smaller more manageable lists.  I would still need to identify the wives, because they also used their husband's name as a surname as well as collect supporting information along the way, but this was a good way to make a start to finding out more about Wanihi's background and family.   As I made progress on Wanihi's family/Whanau ie: Te Whanau Putere, I decided to do the whole list.  

Still a work-in-progress that I am constantly adding to! 


  1. I have sorted the hapu into family groups. 
  2. I have been collecting data to "source" the relationships, spelling and general accuracy of the family groups as they have been constructed. 
  3. I have made note of corrections, additions and alterations, this is organised under the tupuna's list number. 
  4. The layout will change to accommodate more information. 

Overall Goal:

  • To connect the whole hapu or both hapu together, 
  • to make inferences about the hapu once complete,
  • Share it with whanau.  

The Hapu List as it appears in the AJHR 1900.

See family groups in the next post!  Mauri Ora.


  1. Kia ora Can you please contact me 02102724125 Nga Mihi

  2. kiaora he uri oo nikau teneki, keen to share


More Whanau from the Ngatimakirangi and Ngatikahu hapu List 1900

#381 - #388 : Honetana (in list as Honeta) #403 - #405 : Ruta Potahi Ruta, Te Ata Ruta and Tipo Ruta were also known as Potahi Pau...